Two new papers by Olivier Danvy: Nested Summations and Summa Summarum: Moessner's Theorem without Dynamic Programming .
We are excited to organise the first Singapore PL Summit , which will take place on December 4, 2024!
Abhik Roychoudhury 's paper titled "SemFix: Program Repair via Semantic Analysis" published in ICSE 2013 received ICSE 2023 Most Influential Paper Award .
Qiyuan Zhao joins NUS as a PhD Student. Welcome Qiyuan!
Ali El Husseini from Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris joins as PhD Student in Abhik's team. Welcome Ali!
Zhendong Ang joins NUS as a PhD Student. Welcome Zhendong!
Martin Mirchev joins as a PhD student and Sung Yong Kim joins as part of the French Double Degree program (FDDP). Welcome Martin and Sung to Secure Software group!
Jinsheng Ba and Suyang Zhong officially joined the NUS TEST lab. Welcome Jinsheng and Suyang!
Ilya Sergey receives an Amazon Research Award .
Vladimir Gladstein joins VERSE lab as a PhD student. Welcome, Vladimir!
A paper on random testing of Scilla interpreter and compiler with QuickChick will appear at ICFP’22.
A paper on Hippodrome , a new tool for automated repair of concurrent data races, built on top of Infer Static Analyser, will appear at ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology.
Umang Mathur's paper titled "A Tree Clock Data Structure for Causal Ordering in Concurrent Executions" won a Best Paper Award at ASPLOS 2022
Abhik Roychoudhury receives the IEEE Technical Committee of Software Engineering New Directions Award, jointly with Cristian Cadar , for contributions to symbolic execution used for test generation and program repair.
Ministry of Education (MoE) Tier 3 program Automated Program Repair funded to Abhik Roychoudhury , Ilya Sergey , and Chin Wei Ngan .
Thanks to Oracle Labs for their generous donation to support our research on program repair for security.
Descartes program on smart cities with CNRS has been launched ( Please apply ).
Manuel Rigger shared his experience on the academic job market at a seminar and panel discussion at NUS
Congratulations to Xiang Gao for defending his PhD thesis .
Ziyi Yang joins the lab as a PhD student, and Tram Hoang and Bryan Tan join as MComp students. Welcome, Bryan, Tram, and Ziyi!
Kiran will present GopCaml: A Structural Editor for OCaml at OCaml Workshop 2021 , co-located with ICFP'21.
The paper on Certifying the Synthesis of Heap-Manipulating Programs will appear at ICFP'21 .
Our invited position paper Deductive Synthesis of Programs with Pointers: Techniques, Challenges, Opportunities has appeared in the proceedings of CAV'21.
The paper on Cyclic Program Synthesis has been named a recipient of PLDI 2021 Distinguished Paper Award .
Two papers, on smart contract sharding and on cyclic program synthesis , will appear at PLDI'21 .
Former PhD student and post-doc Marcel Boehme joining Max-Planck Institute for Security and Privacy as faculty member.
Yasunari Watanabe has defended his MComp thesis on Certified Program Synthesis. Congratulations, Yasu!
Yutaka Nagashima joins the team as a postdoc. Welcome, Yutaka!
Our paper on Automated Repair of Heap-Manipulating Programs via SuSLik-style Synthesis will appear at VMCAI 2021 .
An extended paper on Distributed Protocol Combinators with an expanded toolset and more case studies has been accepted for publication in Journal of Functional Programming. Now we can do Paxos!
Abhik Roychoudhury will be speaking at the NUS PhD e-open Day 2020
Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW) R & D Workshop , (watch Day 1) organized by Singapore Cybersecurity Consortium
Ilya will present the work on CoSplit at PurPL Seminar Series .
Yunjeong Lee and George Pîrlea join the team as a PhD students at NUS School of Computing. Welcome!
The paper by Kiran on mechanised verification of probabilistic properties of Bloom filters and their generalisations has been accepted to CAV 2020.