PLSE@NUS is the Programming Languages and Software Engineering lab at School of Computing, National University of Singapore. We’re steadfast to the mission of creating trustworthy systems by advancing the state of the art in key research areas such as analysis and bug detection, formal verification, program synthesis, specification inference, automated program repair, software testing, concurrency and distributed systems.
Two new papers by Olivier Danvy: Nested Summations and Summa Summarum: Moessner's Theorem without Dynamic Programming .
We are excited to organise the first Singapore PL Summit , which will take place on December 4, 2024!
Abhik Roychoudhury 's paper titled "SemFix: Program Repair via Semantic Analysis" published in ICSE 2013 received ICSE 2023 Most Influential Paper Award .
Qiyuan Zhao joins NUS as a PhD Student. Welcome Qiyuan!

Visiting and Adjunct Faculty

Research Staff

Graduate Students


Past Members
- Umair Z. Ahmed(PostDoc)
- Guo Ai(Intern)
- Irina Artemeva (Intern)
- Jinsheng Ba (PhD)
- Clément Ballabriga(PostDoc)
- Teodora Baluta (PhD)
- Abhijeet Banerjee(PhD)
- Ansuman Banerjee (PostDoc)
- Tim van Bremen (PostDoc)
- Marcel Böhme (PhD, PostDoc)
- Sudipta Chattopadhyay (PhD)
- Jon Chua(Intern)
- Andreea Costea (PhD, PostDoc)
- Paulius Dilkas (PostDoc)
- Zhen Dong(PostDoc)
- Zhiyu Fan (PhD)
- Bishwamittra Ghosh (PhD)
- Ankit Goel(PhD)
- Priyanka Golia (PhD)
- Karolina Grzeszkiewicz (FYP)
- Tram Hoang (MSc)
- Lei Ju(PhD)
- Mayank Keoliya (FYP)
- Sandeep Kumar(PhD)
- Gunjan Kumar(PostDoc)
- Anna Latour (PostDoc)
- Juwon Lee (FYP)
- Koon Wen Lee (FYP)
- Theodore Leebrant (FYP)
- Xianfeng Li(PhD)
- Sergey Mechtaev (PhD)
- Sun Meng (PostDoc)
- Yutaka Nagashima (PostDoc)
- Yannic Noller (PostDoc)
- Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira (PostDoc)
- Van Thuan Pham (PhD)
- Dawei Qi(PhD)
- Kishore R(Intern)
- Konstantin Rubinov(PostDoc)
- Vivy Suhendra (PhD)
- Shin Hwei Tan (PhD)
- Bryan Tan (MSc)
- Sewen Thy(FYP)
- Tao Wang(PhD)
- Yasunari Watanabe (MSc)
- Gao Xiang (PhD, PostDoc)
- Yan Xiao (PostDoc)
- Jooyong Yi (PostDoc)
- Mark Yuen (FYP)
- Amy Zhu (Intern)